About Us Overview
Messels is committed to unbiased investment research without internal business conflicts such as corporate broking, proprietary trading or market making. We pride ourselves on a strong history of alpha discovery.
Our compliance service is focused on investment businesses in two key areas about which we have a good understanding: investment research and capital introduction.

Tim Parker
Founding Director
Tim Parker graduated from Cambridge University in 1981. After 3 years in the British armed forces he began a stockbroking career with L. Messel & Co. After a spell at Credit Suisse and 14 years as a founding director at Stockcube plc (the first independent research firm to be listed on the LSE), he founded Messels in 2004. He holds the ICA International Diploma in Governance, Risk & Compliance.

Dominic Hawker
Head of Institutional Research
Dominic Hawker started his career with Equity Protection, a firm specialising in offshore wealth management. He co-founded Stockcube plc in 1990 and during his 15 years at the company he was head of institutional research, established Investors Intelligence (the UK & US research portal) and was lead manager of the EFM Value & Technical Fund (a highly successful long/short equity hedge fund). He joined Messels as head of research in 2005.